Linking measurements in the inspection builder

Linking measurements in the inspection builder

This document will be walking you through linking measurements correctly in the inspection builder. If you’re not interested in reading, please watch the video linked here.

Steps on how to link measurements in the inspection builder at store level:

  1. The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’re an admin (Store or account Admin) and then sign into AutoServe1.

  1. Click on the hamburger dropdown in the top left corner and select admin, and then type in your password and press OK.

  1. Click on the store options button shown below.

  1. Then scroll down the page and on the lower right hand side of the screen you will see the Inspection manager button, select this next.

  1. From this screen you will then want to select the inspection you want to make edit/add.

Select the required inspection to change by clicking the manage icon as shown in the next screen.

  1. You will then need to either go to the measurement you wish to link, or create a new measurement.

*If you want to create a new measurement, use the following video link.

  1. To link the measurements existing in your inspection, you first need to make sure that the measurement has a corresponding item associated with it. For example, you can see below that the Front measurement section at the top has the measurement labeled Brake pads and the item section below labeled as front conditions has an item labeled Front brake pads.

  1. Making sure you have all the relevant fields and measurement selections* applied (as shown below), you will be able to move on to applying the link to have the measurement data display correctly in the customer's reports.

            * Measurement selections can be in any increment desired, you just need to add the value then a comma, and so on.

  1. To link the measurements you will need to select the measurements & data tab by expanding the item in question. This will bring you to the following page where you will select the measurements to tie to the item you are currently on.

  1. Once this has been completed, be sure you select the done button as shown below. Once you have done this, you will have successfully linked your first measurement and item together.

You are able to link multiple measurements to single items by marking the checkbox next to each measurement.

Steps on how to link measurements in the inspection builder at Account level:

  1. As above with the store level changes, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’re an admin (Store or account Admin) and then sign into AutoServe1.

  1. Click on the hamburger dropdown in the top left corner and select admin, and then type in your password and press OK.

  1. After selecting the manage icon next to your store, it will take you to the Manage staff page. From here you will need to select the Admin tab as shown below.

  1. The next step is to select the account inspection button that is shown below to bring up the list of inspections available to edit.

  1. From this point the process is identical to steps 7 - 10 as shown above.

Once the linking has been completed, you hit done as shown in step 10 of the linking measurements at the store level and then select the back option as shown below.

  1. The final step to adding the updated measurements to the account list inspection is to hit save at the bottom of the inspection list page which can be seen below.